Thursday, March 8, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Super Sonic Boom

Today was an excellent day!
While most kids ask for hugs or high fives, today we were asked to give autographs!

After our two schools we went to the concord museum experience. It is a big super sonic plane, that we got to sit in with it's lovely comfy seats!

We are all soooo super sad that tomorrow is our last day in paradise, we are not looking forward to jumping back to reality. I will definitely miss all the polite children and their smiling faces.

Thank you once again for everyone that is praying for me, it means so much! - Andrea :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Some posts from the crew!

Things are going really well.  Thank you everyone who is praying for me.  James is NOT doing my homework.  I have decided to adopt 25 kids from here or maybe just smuggle them back home.  ~Andrea

Today I saw some wild monkeys.  I saw a 15 foot python.  I got soaked at a beach.  There's a video store down the street from us and the quality is actually good.  I had a white Kitkat chunky.  I only have $4 left.  There is a Concord here.  I go swimming every day either at the ocean or the pool.  Today it was the hottest day yet. It is starting to feel like it's getting really cold at nights.  Last night I woke up in the middle of the night and I was actually cold.  I needed my blanket!  I must be getting used to the weather.  By the way, you can see the little dipper and the big dipper here in Barbados. ~Nicholas

The yellow buses are awesome even though we haven't gone on one yet.  There is a salamander in the pool.  ~TJ

Blessed Be the Name of the Lord!!

Today we left at 7:15 am to go to Saint Silas Primary School for our performance at 8:45 am. They welcomed us with open arms. A few highlights of this performance are:
- when we completed the dowel rod story we heard several teachers say WOW, WOW! 
- As we did How Great is Our God, the kids and teachers stood and sang with us.
- When we completed our performance the kids from the ICSF (Inter Christian School Fellowship) club came forward to sing us a song. One of the teachers said we could go sit where the kids were to listen to their song, we gladly accepted this opportunity to sit with the kids and listen as they sang "Blessed be the Name of the Lord"!
- Our host Paul presented several kids with medals they won for sports. One little girl (approximately 5 years old) won two 1st place medals, one third place medal and she broke 2 records.
- The school also had prepared a lunch of tuna and cheese sandwiches along with cake for us.
- We enjoyed interacting with the kids after the presentation.

After this school we went to a wildlife reserve for lunch where we saw monkeys, geckos, turtles, peacocks, deer, and crocodiles. We were told not to feed the monkeys as they will take the food right out of our hand. However, we did watch them take the apple core out of the garbage can to eat.

After lunch we went to St. Lucy Primary School for our next performance. The kids at this school were very excited to see us, interact and hi-five with our teens. Once again they enjoyed our performance. We had a bit of a challenge leaving the school as the kids wanted to interact with us rather than going back to their classrooms.

After this we tried to get as close to home as possible and went to North Point, the most northern part of Barbados. Did you see us wave? It was breathtaking to see the waves spash against the cliffs down below and feel the salt water spray.

We appreciate your prayers and support for us. Thank you for helping us experience this wonderful opportunity to minister to these schools, both children and teachers/staff. As we go to the schools to minister to them, we are the ones being ministered to. It is such a blessing to see scripture on the walls at the schools, hear the children pray and recite scripture. Often individuals on the street will ask us about our Seeds International shirts that we are wearing and we have the opportunity to share with them what we are doing. Many times we are speaking with Christians who are very appreciative of us coming.


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Must Read, Urgent Message!!!

. . . . . . Hi mom, I love you!

Preacher preached the gospel

We went to the people cathedral for church today. It was very lovely. We all dressed up in our Sunday best and went to the 10 am service. They sang some old hymns, that not all of us knew. We took part in communion, when our row got called we went up and kneeled and were given some bread and juice. The preacher gave a good message about the 3 g's guidance, goals, and grace. One of the only negatives was that I wanted a stereotypical black church with a black preacher and when it started it was the new preacher who prayed and introduced the service was black but it was the old white preacher who gave the message.

Fun fact. The cheddar cheese here is white. In Canada and other places where it's orange it's actually colored. Also the cheese is SO much better here. After a few slices you don't get tired of eating like you would do with Canadian cheese.

Oh and our cook came here while we started to eat lunch so that she could make supper. She is the most amazing cook ever everything she makes is delicious. She said she would give out any recipe except the one to her salad dressing which is the best!! Her name is Sheri and shes such a sweet heart.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Gun shows and flirtationships

Hey. We're all still alive Internet was down for a while so we couldn't blog. Today we went zip lining in the jungle and it was amazing! Only bad thing was it went by to fast. But there were 8 so it's all good. The guys working it would come with us to the next line so it was nice. But they were very flirty with us girls (except Emily cause Jim was there). Then afterwards we went to look at the harp project. Which at these ginormous canons that used to to shoot computers into space. They were very cool and the view was breath taking.

Hopefully the internet works for the rest of the week.


From tall fellow

Well we had a great busy day today , we went to 2 schools , both of which were quite excited to be involved with out presentation. Kids were clapping and singing along to the songs they knew , was great. We also found time to see the oldest church on the island , and the oldest college, both amazing ! The Internet has been down since last night so I will keep this short. We are all doing well and getting comfortable with things here. I also have my first sunburn since last year!

James. (TF)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A few pictures

TJ's Video Blog

When it rains it pours.

During our first presentation this morning it just started pouring on us. Luckily thought we and the kids where covered. The kids were adorable they were dancing and just having a blast. Afterwards we were blessed with the BEST juice ever that came out of a can. And some sandwiches and ... Fish cake. Yum?

From there we went shopping! We were walking down on of the main streets for tourists shopping and there was a lady selling donuts from the trunk of her van. So me Andrea and Emily bought some, turn out the lady was super nice and said that what we did in the schools is just what they need. And the doughnuts were really really good. Even better then the ones at the calmar bakery.

When you were all waking up this morning I was in the ocean and it was gorgeous! The sand was white and the water, the prettiest color of blue. That was right by the parking lot before shopping.

After shopping we all went to the ocean and had lunch. Some of our group members even went snorkeling with sea turtles. I got some pictures with my camera. Emily took them for me, but she's not doing the best right now. By some of the pirate ships she sat on a rope and now she had a pretty bad rash, or at least it look like one.
P.S Andrea had something super funny happen to her maybe if your nice to get she'll tell you. But so funny.


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Our first prayer request

Hello everyone!  We are in and sound.  We are loving it.  Paul and Chris Moores met us  with smiles, waves, and hugs at the airport and have been wonderful at showing us our new home for the week and getting us ready for our first presentation tomorrow morning for 400 students! We will leave the house tomorrow morning at 7:50am for our presentation at 8:45am.  Tomorrow is an island wide track meet for the Bajan students in the afternoon, so we will only have one presentation.  After the presentation we will go to Browns Beach for snorkelling and then on to Bridgetown for some shopping.

Our prayer request to you, our faithful blog followers, is in regards to the Seedlings Bags.  We  were supposed to hand, out bags of toys, school supplies, curriculum and a Bible but customs has held these bags since April 2011!  Customs thinks that we wish to sell the items, but that is not the case.  Until they can be convinced that these bags are going to the students free of charge they are holding them ransom.  We do have the Bibles and curriculum  to distribute but all of the other goodies and backpacks to hold them in are subject to the red tape of Barbados Customs.  Please pray that these items will be released to us and that we can begin distribution of the bags as they were intended to be distributed while we are here.

On the first plane

They gave me 3 Cups of juice at once. Now I havent been on a plane before but I would of been fine with just one.

Then there's Melissa who does her nails while we're experiencing the "bumpy" part of the ride.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

One day away....

One day until we jet set away & my to do list is still quite extensive.  Thanks everyone for your prayers as we pack and prepare for our upcoming mission.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Presentation Of Trip Performance and Message

The Barbados team presentation was alot of fun to watch this morning. A lot of the crew members were nervous, but I know as they perform it more they will get into it. For those that did not see it and want a tasteof what we saw, I present to you this opening clip:


Leduc Alliance Church Barbados Missions Trip opening presentation feb 12

Please pray for them during the next couple of days as they prepare. The enemy can take this time to test patience and stress families. Pray too that they can set aside work, get everything done they need to at home and work then to relax abit the night before they leave and enjoy thier trip and prep time down in Barbados.
Larry H

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The dress rehearsal went great and we are that much more excited about going out to spread the love of Jesus in Barbados.  Thanks so much for your prayers and encouraging words of support!  We will keep you posted about our missions experience and we'll try to share the adventure with you through pictures, stories, testimonies, and thought.  God bless you, our dear friends and family!  Thanks to those of you who came out this evening to support us as we worked on getting the presentation a little more seamless.  We appreciated your attendance!  ~Thina Ritter

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I think I gots it ready,
Father God, let this blog be used to grow believers in their faith, help seekers to find you, to be a place of hospitality, comfort, encouragement, teaching and for us to touch the world in significant ways. To help others know you as their Savior, Lord, Comforter, Healer, Strong Tower, Friend and coming King. In Jesus name we ask . Amen